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FridaYAYayYAY Night Chicken Curry

  • 08/04/2017
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


  • Plan to attend. (If you decide not to, please cancel if possible.)

Registration is closed

Chicken Curry Dinner by Rekha and Amitabh Dutt

If you haven’t yet enjoyed one of Rekha’s and Amitabh’s Indian dinners you are in for a terrific treat! 

Accompanying the delicious chicken curry will be veggie rice, garbanzo beans, samosas and a variety of fun appetizers. This dinner will have several courses, and of course, includes a special dessert. 

Bar opens 5:30 pm.
Dinner served from 6:30 pm until all the racers are in.

Cost (pay at door):

  • $15 for members, racing skippers and crew and their guests
  • $10 for kids under 12
  • $18 for reciprocal club members

RSVP by 5PM Wednesday August 2nd 
so the chefs can start cooking the feast. 

You are encouraged to dress in Indian attire or bright colors. 

If you're racing, check that off when you RSVP and we'll hold food back so your crew has plenty to eat.

Volunteers always appreciated.  Sign up for this week when you RSVP, or here for future dinners.

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